Purposes of Consortium is provide to encourage and facilitate long-term collaboration between the academia and industry.

Purpose & Values


Bio-Acouis approach is formed in multidisciplinary approach, involves different sectors and fields. The project involves academic institutions with expertise in cutting-edge research particularly, acoustic solutions. The experience in the field and their competences in the acoustic and environmental research methodologies ensures exploitation of research opportunities connected with R&D activities within Bio-Acouis project. Bio-Acouis combines their expertise to single coordinated effort, what will result in efficient realization of idea.


Bürotime was founded in 1994 under the umbrella of Tosunoğulları Mobilya Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi. situated at the Konya Organize Sanayi Bölgesi over a 6500 m2 area. A process of institutionalization for the purpose of embarking on a years of adventure, and to be crowned by awards in the furniture industry; by 2000 the Bürotime brand was born. In order to address increasing demand, Bürotime operates at its production facility of 140.000 m2 in the area it was founded. Making its very first sale abroad in 2002, today it exports to all four corners of the world, to a total of 50 countries and 150 sales points in the domestic and foreign markets.

Next Technology Tecnotessile is a private research organisation enrolled among the laboratories recognised by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), operating for the improvement of technological innovation and the competitiveness of companies. The company was established in 1972 in Prato. Its capital is held by companies operating in various industrial sectors (mainly textiles, clothing, mechanical, textile machinery and logistics) for 60% and by MIUR for 40% .

The University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, formerly Second University of Naples, with its 16 departments located in 5 territorial areas between Naples and Caserta, promotes a vocational training offer integrated with the territory, supports quality research, and promotes the creation of business initiatives from research groups, in a constant perspective of internationalization and cultural exchange with other universities. The University was established in 1991 and began its activity on November 1st 1992. Currently there are nearly 24 thousand students and 16 Departments located in 5 territorial areas.

Kastamonu Entegre, who produces the raw and melamine coated particle boards, glossy panels, MDF, laminate flooring, tops, door panels and value added products for the needs of the furniture, decoration and construction sectors, has a consolidated turnover of 1.3 billion USD and is a global power  positioned as the 1st of its sector in Turkey,  the 4th in Europe and the 7th in the World. Today, with its 6300 employees and with its production power, knowledge and experience, with its export more then 100 countries from Middle America to India, it is the 1st in its sector and the 46 th among the first 500 Industrial enterprises listed by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry. Kastamonu Entegre manufactures goods in 6 domestic locations; Kastamonu, Gebze, Balikesir, Samsun, Tarsus and Adana. We have manufacturing plants in a total of 6 countries; Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia and Italy. In the US, we have an establishment where we manage wood chip supply and logistics processes.

Derived public person "Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry" (LSIWC), founded in 1946, is a state scientific institute under the supervision of the Minester of Education and Science, acting according to ''Law of Scientific Activity'' and ''The Statute of the Derived public person ''Latvian State Institue of Wood Chemistry''''.  The LSIWC mission is the development of knowledge-based, environment-friendly low-waste technologies for obtaining competitive materials and products from wood and other types of plant biomass for sustainable utilization of natural resources for economic, social and ecological benefits.

SCS started in 1985 as a consulting firm in Italy, becoming a systems integrator company in 1988. At the beginning of 1990 SCS focalized its attention on three main activities: systems, consultancy in NVH field and design & engineering. Up to 1999 SCS is a shareolder of Technical laboratory in Italy (Turin), where SCS expertises help the customers to solve any kind of problem in NVH field. From 1995 SCS has constituted a department dedicated to foreign customers, developing an important net of agents in the most important countries in the world. For this reason, up to 2007 SCS is building a second technical centre, situated in China (Guangzhou), to assure our presence at side of Asian customers. SCS Noise & Vibration represents almost 30 years of experience, with multiple skills and knowledge dealing with acoustics and vibrations science, features that can only be found in cooperation between high qualified organisations, spread on a global market as well as partnerships among market leaders. SCSengineering team is dealing with: mechanical vibrations, field theory, electronics, machinery diagnostics, room acoustics, materials characteristics, etc.

We are a leading research organisation in the area wood and wood-related renewable resources in Europe. Our core competences are materials research and process technology along the complete value chain – from raw material to finished products. We develop methods and basics and perform applied research on the economy-science interface, in order to enable resource-efficient management in the circular bioeconomy. As COMET K1-Center of the COMET Programme – Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies - we are funded by the Austrian ministries BMK, BMAW and the federal states UpperAusria, LowerAustria & Carinthia. The programme COMET is operated by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).

Although our university is a newly established university in Konya, which has a deep-rooted scientific history, it provides education in different departments and fields from medicine to basic sciences, from social sciences to engineering, and strives to raise our youth, who are our future, in a highly spiritual, moral and equipped way. There are 20 faculties, 8 vocational schools, 28 research centers, 4 institutes, a foreign language school, Turkish Music Conservatory and 8 coordination offices within our university. Currently, we are maintaining our university’s education life in a qualified way with our 35,171 students, 25,454 of whom are undergraduate, 2,872 are associate degree, 5,664 are postgraduate and 1,181 are in pedagogical formation and with the teaching staff of 1,909 and 1,149 administrative personnel.